General Services
Daily Prayers
The mosque is open from fajr (dawn) till all the daily prayers are performed shortly after their announced times. For the current prayer times, please refer to the daily prayer schedule availabe on the home page. During the daytime the main prayer area can be used for reading the Qur‘an and quiet contemplation.
Friday (Jummah) Prayers
Jummah prayers are offered at 1.30pm during the summer time and 1.15pm in the winter time when the clocks go back. The kuthba is delivered in Arabic with translation in English to cater for the whole congregation.
Translation Services
The MAI provides translation services of birth certificates, marriage certificates and academic documents from English into Arabic, Arabic into English. Fees for Translation start at €15.
The self-service restaurant is open to the general public and is next door to the mosque. The restaurant serves Arabic and Pakistani cuisine.
The shop consists of a halal butchers and grocers. It sells a wide selection of the following: olives, dates, nuts, beans, halawa, rice and oriental spices.
Charity Clothes Banks
The Muslim Assocaition of Ireland is delighted to announce that Human Appeal Clothes Bank and Islamic Relief Clothes Bank have been opened at the MAI. The collection of recyclable clothes aims at providing clothing to people living in extreme poverty.
The mosque is a non-profit organisation and large amount of work is undertaken by volunteers and there is always a need for new volunteers who have relevant experience and skills that can benefit the mosque. If you have any suggestions/feedback as to how we can improve things or you want to help, please contact us.