Press Release Regarding Al-Aqsa Mosque
بيان صحفي بخصوص ما تمر به مدينة القدس والمسجد الأقصى من إجراءات قمعية لقوات الإحتلال.
A press release regarding the actions of the ِAl-Quds city and Al-Aqsa Mosque of repressive measures of the occupation forces.
19th July 2017
Absolute condemnation of violation and defilement of Al Aqsa Mosque
Dear Respective Recipients,
We, the undersigned / listed below, vehemently and passionately denounce the actions of the occupying forces of the land of Palestine for their deplorable desecration of the Holy site of Haram Al Sharif – Al Aqsa Mosque.
In October 2016, UNESCO defined Haram Al Sharif as an ‘Islamic holy site of worship’.
Jerusalem is a sacred city in all the Abrahamic faiths, and it houses the third holiest site in Islam; Al-Aqsa Mosque, that is believed by Muslims to be the third most important mosque on earth after the Kaaba in Mecca. This ancient structure and the surrounding area that now includes the Dome of the Rock are referred to by Muslims as Al-Haram Al-Sharif, the Noble Sanctuary. Yet an immense transgression continues to take place in sight of the world by the heinous acts of the occupying forces who have violated the sanctity of Haram Al-Sharif.
Muslims today make up 24% of the world population, 1.8billion worldwide. The rights of all Muslims have been transgressed against by these ‘unjustified restrictions’ enforced by the occupying forces.
The United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 was adopted on 23 December 2016. It concerns the Israeli settlements in "Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem".
The resolution states that Israel's settlement activity constitutes a "flagrant violation" of international law and has "no legal validity". It demands that Israel stop such activity and fulfil its obligations as an occupying power under the Fourth Geneva Convention. Yet, ‘flagrant violation’ of international law continues unabated.
We demand that the sanctity of Al-Aqsa is reinstated by the removal of all barriers, additional cameras, and restrictions imposed by the occupying forces, plus the return of the keys stolen from within.
Al-Aqsa is a place of worship for all Muslims, with immense significance both historically and religiously. We do not accept the control by occupying forces and will continuously object and condemn their presence. Muslims ‘right to worship’ within the sanctity of Al-Aqsa has been dishonoured and the right to pilgrimage to Al-Aqsa for Muslims worldwide has been grossly inhibited with intent by the perpetrators of illegal and unjust acts that can only incite hatred or violence.
We plead with all of you and the just nations of the world to stand by Palestinians & all Muslims against these transgressions, speak up for justice, condemn these actions, and demand sanctity to be reinstated.
The occupying forces have taken the land of the Palestinians; they have enforced their unjust regime and rulings on Palestinians for decades. Do not allow them to destroy what is so dear to Muslims worldwide; Al Haram Al –Sharif.
We leave you with the famous words of Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, writer, social critic, political activist and Nobel laureate:
“How much longer is the world willing to endure this spectacle of wanton cruelty?”
Yours sincerely,
With incensed dismay,
On behalf of the Muslim Community of Ireland
Represented by Islamic Organisations listed below:
· Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland - Dr Nooh Al Kaddo - CEO
· Islamic Foundation of Ireland – Sh. Yahya Al Hussein
· Muslim Association of Ireland – Mr. Salem Alakari
· Cork Islamic Cultural Center Ltd - Dr Aamir Farooq Majeed – Secretary
· Cork Islamic Information Centre - Dr. Radwan Farghaly
· Galway Islamic Cultural Centre – Mr Khalid sallabi
· Waterford Islamic Centre – Dr. Mohammad Alhourani
· Dundalk Muslim Community Mosque – Mr. Nooh Buye
· Irish Muslim Cultural Centre (IMCC) – Mr. Shamsul Haque
· Islamic cultural centre of Killarney – Mr. Mohammed Saeed
· Kildare Islamic Cultural Centre – Mr. Kamel Hafid
· Rahman Foundation- Portlaoise – Dr. Hosam Elkinini
· Castlebar Islamic Cultural Centre - Dr kamal elmahi
· Drogheda Islamic Centre - Abdel Aittigrine