Khutba "The Year of Sarrow"


the year of sarrow
The imam started todays khutba with a reminder of the year of sarrow which followed the The Meccan boycott of the Hashemites.It was public boycott against the clan of banu hashim declared in 617 by the leaders of qurash. According to tradition, the boycott was carried out in order to put pressure on Banu Hashim to withdraw its protection from [

during those 3 yrears the p;rophet and his companions endured hunger and depravation.and right after the end of the 3 t=those 3 years our prophet went trough more of emotional sorrow and hardship.But he was the one to know that this dunia is a place where we Are to be tested and tried. our prophet was tested the death of Khadija

Khadija, Muhammad's first and only wife for the 25 years up to her death, died in 619 CE when she was about 65 years old.[2] Muhammad was almost 50 at this time.During the those hard days of the embargo our prophet had the full su[pport of his wife the mother of the muslims.Khadija was aloyal wife and the right support of our beloved prophet whenever he was sad because of the aforenamed circumstances ,he comesback home to see khadija awiting for him with a smile.this was enough to lift any sorrow of mohammed.

It is khadija whome gabriel gave glad tidings of Paradise to? He said: Yes. He did give glad tidings to her of a palace of jewels in Paradise wherein there would be no noise and no toil.

Then was tested again by the death of his uncle

Muhammad's uncle abu talib was the chief of the Muhammad's clan banu hashim, in whose household Muhammad (who was an orphan) had lived since the death of his grandfather abd almutalib .[5] As the clan chief, he granted protection to Muhammad, even as Muhammad gained enmity from some in the Quraish tribe due to his call to Islam.[6] Per the Meccan customs at the time, such protection was considered inviolate, and therefore Muhammad's enemies were unable to attack him.[6] Abu Talib fell gravely ill shortly after Khadija's death.[2] Despite his protection for Muhammad, he had not converted to Islam, and at his deathbed Muhammad invited him to enter Islam by reciting the shahada

Mohammed was saddened to lose such a great support but was saddened mofre to see his uncle dying as non muslim.[7] Because the situation in Mecca had become more difficult, he decided to leave for Ta'if,[10] a city of about 100 km southeast of Mecca. In Ta'if, he visited the three brothers who were leaders ofbanu takqif , the tribe that inhabited the city.[10]The three brothers granted him audience, and he invited them to Islam and to help him against his enemies.They rejected, and after Muhammad left, sent their slaves and servants to harass him.[10] As he fled he took refuge in a private orchard

Instead of putting a curse on them as turining them dust as the angel of mountains availed his service to the prophet,mohammed the prophet of mercy ans compassion he prayed that alah guide

them to his religion and to have desendents of ta’af who declares that lah is the only one worth of warshipping.

What to learn from todays khutba is that in this dunia noone with a segment of wisdom in his heart should rejoice to the good times and no one should take the bad times to the heart as this dunia is not everlasting but is a journey of trails in the good and bad times.

After the years of the great ambergo and the e year sorrow alah brings happiness into his prophet through the miraculous journey of alisar and miraaj which shall be the topic of next Friday.

عام الحزن "الفرج بعد الشدة"
عام الحزن (الفرج بعد الشدة) بعد الأعوام الثلاثة الشديدة التي أتت علي المسلمين أعوام الحصار وما عاني فيها المسلمين وعلي رأسهم رسول الله وأهل بيته الطيبين الطاهرين وكيف ذاقوا آلام الجوع والحرمان وبعد انتهاء أعوام المقاطعة جاء عام الحزن ولكن إذا كان سيد الخلق وصفوة الله من خلقه ابتلاه الله بالحزن فلأن نحزن نحن هذا شئ طبيعي فهذه طبيعة الدنيا كونها دار بلاء وكدر وامتحان ومن عرفها لم يفرح لرخاء ولم يحزن لشقاء فهي دار بلوي والآخرة دار عقبي .مات أبو طالب وكان أكبر مدافع عنه في الخارج وتوفيت خديجة وهي أكبر داعم له في الخارج فانهار الدعم الداخلي والدعم الخارجي وتجرأ عليه السفهاء فما نالت قريش منه الا بعد وفاة ابي طالب ووضعو التراب علي رأسه الشريف حزن النبي لأن عمه مات كافراً بعد ما طلب منه أن ينطق بكلمة التوحيد ليشفع له بها عند ربه ولكنه مات علي ملة الاشياخ ( إنك لا تهدي من أحببت ولكن الله يهدي من يشاء )الشئ الذي يقصم الظهر أن أقوي داعم وسند مات علي الكفر فتضاعف الحزن .ماتت خديجة رضي الله عنها وكان النبي اذا عاد الي البيت مهموماً مكروباً من كثرة العنت والاذي ولا يري وجه خديجة وهي تستقبله باشراقة وجهها وصفائه وابتسامته فهي الزوجة الوفية المخلصة لزوجها ولقد جاء جبريل عليه السلام وقال للنبي يارسول الله هذه خديجة قد أتت معها إناء فيه إدام أو طعام أو شراب فإذا هي أتتك فاقرأ عليها السلام من ربها ومني وبشرها ببيت في الجنة من قصب لا صخب فيه ولا نصب )ولا أروع ولا أجمل من وفاءه لها فعندما فتح مكة أمر بخيمته أن تنصب الي جوار قبر خديجه رضي الله عنها عرفاناً لها وبعدما تجهمت قريش بحث النبي عن مكان آخر فذهب الي الطائف يلتمس من يسمع له ويستجيب لدعوته ولكن قلوب كانت كالحجارة أو أشد قسوة واضطروه الي بستان بعدما أغروا عليه سفهائهم وصبيانهم ورفع الأكف الي الله شاكياً له اللهم اليك أشكوا ضعف قوتي وقلت حيلتي وهواني علي الناس وفي التو واللحظة ينزل ملك الجبال ويستأذنه ليجعلهم نكالاً وعبرة لغيرهم ولكنه نبي الرحمة ويدعو لهم بالهداية ويسأل الله أن يخرج من ظهورهم من يقول لا اله الا الله وأقدامه الشريفة تنزف وعندما جن عليه الليل نصب أقدامه الشريفة بين يدي ربه وتسمع الجن كلاماً عجباً وآمنو به ولم يشركو بربهم أحدا آمن عداس وآمنت الجن وكانت بشريات بين يدي الحبيب فلابد للإنسان أن يسعي وليس عليه ادراك النجاح ويأتي الفرج وتأتي معجزة الاسراء والمعراج وهذة كانت مقدمة لها ونكمل الحديث في الجمعة القادمة بإذن الله