Women's Activities
Monthly gathering for sisters (Alamal Circle): An open monthly gathering of sisters.
During the meeting, the women usually have a spiritual speech; learn new skills, exchange experience in all regards. The Circle was a chance to invite Irish neighbourhood and teachers in the local schools for social and multicultural events. The Circle has also organised event to encourage dialogue between the parents and youth and to strengthen bonds between generations.
We are dedicated to empower sisters in our community by preserving their Islamic identity, promoting love and bonds of sisterhood, providing venues for education, and fostering Islamic values. Please feel free to join, volunteer and advise us on the many activities that are held at our center.
Some of our recent activities include the following:
- Parents and girls dialogue circle
- A lecture by Sr. Yussa Aqeel about: teaching methods
- A multi activity - intercultural event (we invited the local schools teachers to the event and was very successful)
- Food art day
- Spiritual circle