Volunteer at MAI

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: 'The best one among you,
is he who is most useful to his community'.
(Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

The masjid is the center of a Muslim community. Although masjids are specifically made for the worship of Allah, it is also a meeting point for Muslims to gain knowledge therein and recite The Qur’an, to seek counsel and to meet other Muslims, to remember Allah (The Exalted).

Whether you live in a Muslim society with a masjid around every corner, or in a non-Muslim country where the masjid is the lifeline of the community, you should appreciate your masjid and support it.


The MAI would like to invite you to volunteer for different activities that it undertakes as there is always a need for new volunteers who have relevant experience and skills that can benefit the mosque. Dedicated, dependable and passionate volunteers are the key for success of any volunteer organization.

Why should you volunteer?

  • Impact the Muslim community around you
  • Be the glue that holds your community together
  • Connect with your brothers and sisters
  • Establish a continuous stream of good deeds for yourself!
  • Invest in your Deen
    Rather than something that takes seconds like donating money, invest your time. Remember: you get out of it what you put in.
  • Be the change you wish to see: What are you waiting for? Rather than wondering where your money went after you clicked the Donate button, the results are in front of you.
  • Social Productivity: Get out there and lead by example.

If you have any suggestions/feedback as to how we can improve things or you want to help, please contact us.